Monday, February 23, 2009

a few of my favorite things

Sweatpants. Peanut butter cups. Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with skim milk and sugar. Mean Girls. A great work out. The perfect outfit. New kicks. A text from someone you’re not expecting to hear from. Dancing. Dulce de leche cheesecake from Versailles. The sun. A good night’s sleep. Visitors. Obviously, family and friends. Comfy socks. A fun night out with the girls where you’re happily drunk but not drunk enough to be hungover the next day. Music. Singing in the shower. Sex and the City re-runs. Waking up in a good mood for no particular reason. E!, Bravo, Oxygen and TLC. Cold beer and a good game.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

random things to ponder. or ask jeeves.

written 2/16/09

Driving home from my great aunt’s house tonight, I thought of some random things to ponder and wanted to throw them out there. Now, if you were in my circle of friends that pretended to study at the HUB for finals at PSU and while “studying,” had something pop into your head, you would (A) pull a Jazmin and write your question/thought on a piece of notebook paper and randomly hold it up for all to see (What is a “nolia clap?”) or (B) pull a Kylie and just say it out loud (Do fish drink water?) then proceed to ask Jeeves ….

I’ll blog about it.

Who the hell changes the event signage that is put on the high lampposts all over this city?! Specifically on MacArthur Causeway because if you fall, you’re getting hit by a Beamer going 100 miles per hour or you’re going straight into the bay. What gets someone qualified to do that job? Maybe it’s an initiation-type thing for new city employees. And how have I not seen this happen? Interesting.

Who decides on what color the Bank of America building downtown is going to shine on specific nights? For Halloween it was orange, for Valentine’s Day (gag) it was red, today for President’s Day it is obviously red, white and blue … but is there one person that writes these things down and determines this? Like, he’s typing random dates into Google to see if there’s a holiday or other occasion on days that there aren’t well-known holidays so that the building isn’t always white? Think about it.

And finally, on a more serious note, and not really a random thought, but something to vent about. I caught the final 20 minutes of The Bachelor and I have to say that I adore Jason. But. There were three girls left tonight and he sent Jill packing, his reasoning being that he’s not sure he can keep up with her … “you have an amazing life” … “we have different lives.” PLEASE. Somehow he manages to make the fact that she leads a great life without a dude, a negative thing. Give me a break.