Friday, July 31, 2009

delayed at FLL

it's never a good sign when you see that your flight is an hour delayed BEFORE you even re-print your boarding pass and check your bag.

of course there is a family of asians in front of me during the seemingly idiot-proof check-in process. and wouldn't you know that one of their bags is eight pounds overweight. the lady behind the counter says, "you can either pay $50 or remove the weight." low and behold, the woman doesn't have the KEY to her own suicase. good luck with that.

i just heard a five-year-old say to another family: "you have a baby and i don't, so you can go and i can't. i have to wait because i don't have a baby." i hear ya kid.

a failed attempt at trying to find an outlet. no one travels with laptops these days or anything. i must be crazy. finding an outlet in this place is like trying to find all my receipts the morning after a friday night in south beach.

speaking of spending stupid amounts of money for nothing, i just had the worst bbq chicken pizza of my life courtesy of UNO. i think there was actual bbq sauce in one corner of the pizza, which was opposite the corner of the chunk of onion, which was adjacent to the sad-looking pile of chicken. i'm thirsty but since i spent $8.75 on a pizza the size of my pinky nail, i only have $1.25 left from my $10 (check out those math skillz - booyah) bill. and we all know that $1.25 at the airport MIGHT get you the guy behind the counter's number and nothing else.

"the local time is 6:35. the local weather is sunny." NO SHIT. there is no amount of ipod volume that can drown out these people.

i just slammed my elbow on this chair while trying to somewhat discreetly pull out my birth control pills. i give up for the moment and shove them under my laptop.

i spy a man leaving his seat next to a concrete pole ... there may be an outlet on the backside of said pole ... SUCCESS! definitely a top 10 play. high five! as my birth control pills drop onto the floor as i'm gathering my things ...

how do people talk on the phone in the airport? it's louder than an air force base with things taking off and landing and other people talking too loudly on THEIR cell phones. people summoning people to retrieve lost belongings at the security checkpoint and counter people (what are their actual job titles anyway?) telling you for the 234o8239479437th time that your flight is delayed due to airtraffic control and to stay in the gate area because your flight "may leave early." i mean who's that REALLY ever happened to?

my hands smell like hand sanitizer and greasy non-bbq sauce ...

weird that i'm jealous of people boarding a flight to kansas?????

Monday, July 27, 2009

a little A&I (that's awkward and inappropriate)

psumaeg05 (1:54:37 PM): who is ronald and why is he texting me
kcdidier (1:56:16 PM): hehe.
kcdidier (1:56:19 PM): ROTFL!
kcdidier (1:56:21 PM): hahahahahhaahahahau
psumaeg05 (1:56:32 PM): lol
kcdidier (1:56:33 PM): I kid you not... copy of convo with kiki:

kcdidier (1:56:52 PM): butnotforgive (1:37:55 PM): did we drink AT martini bar last night?kcdidier (1:40:00 PM): yup
kcdidier (1:40:05 PM): at least two drinks
butnotforgive (1:40:14 PM): what. really?
kcdidier (1:43:07 PM): nod.
kcdidier (1:43:14 PM): that nice gentleman bought us one.
kcdidier (1:43:22 PM): Ronald
kcdidier (1:56:53 PM): ...
kcdidier (1:57:17 PM): butnotforgive (1:43:49 PM): we met a ronald...?
kcdidier (1:48:27 PM): sure did.
kcdidier (1:48:29 PM): he was lovely.
kcdidier (1:48:38 PM): he didn't want to talk to us though, just maegan.
kcdidier (1:49:04 PM): who gave him the cold shoulder most the night, and then proceeded to tell him all about her pity party and how guys only want to do her not date her.
butnotforgive (1:49:22 PM): sweet jesus

psumaeg05 (1:57:33 PM): lol
psumaeg05 (1:57:37 PM): omg
kcdidier (1:57:42 PM): you actually started crying in front of this dude.
kcdidier (1:57:45 PM): and he's calling you?
kcdidier (1:57:48 PM): whaaa?
psumaeg05 (1:57:57 PM): that is so backwards
psumaeg05 (1:59:57 PM): ugh why do i give people my ACTUAL number

Thursday, July 9, 2009

an interesting license plate

i know this makes me completely immature but enough already - i know you're laughing.