Monday, July 27, 2009

a little A&I (that's awkward and inappropriate)

psumaeg05 (1:54:37 PM): who is ronald and why is he texting me
kcdidier (1:56:16 PM): hehe.
kcdidier (1:56:19 PM): ROTFL!
kcdidier (1:56:21 PM): hahahahahhaahahahau
psumaeg05 (1:56:32 PM): lol
kcdidier (1:56:33 PM): I kid you not... copy of convo with kiki:

kcdidier (1:56:52 PM): butnotforgive (1:37:55 PM): did we drink AT martini bar last night?kcdidier (1:40:00 PM): yup
kcdidier (1:40:05 PM): at least two drinks
butnotforgive (1:40:14 PM): what. really?
kcdidier (1:43:07 PM): nod.
kcdidier (1:43:14 PM): that nice gentleman bought us one.
kcdidier (1:43:22 PM): Ronald
kcdidier (1:56:53 PM): ...
kcdidier (1:57:17 PM): butnotforgive (1:43:49 PM): we met a ronald...?
kcdidier (1:48:27 PM): sure did.
kcdidier (1:48:29 PM): he was lovely.
kcdidier (1:48:38 PM): he didn't want to talk to us though, just maegan.
kcdidier (1:49:04 PM): who gave him the cold shoulder most the night, and then proceeded to tell him all about her pity party and how guys only want to do her not date her.
butnotforgive (1:49:22 PM): sweet jesus

psumaeg05 (1:57:33 PM): lol
psumaeg05 (1:57:37 PM): omg
kcdidier (1:57:42 PM): you actually started crying in front of this dude.
kcdidier (1:57:45 PM): and he's calling you?
kcdidier (1:57:48 PM): whaaa?
psumaeg05 (1:57:57 PM): that is so backwards
psumaeg05 (1:59:57 PM): ugh why do i give people my ACTUAL number

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