Saturday, June 20, 2009

AM thoughts

how is it june 20 already, meaning that i've been in miami almost a year?! ... 4 days til the dirty dizzle and i'm most excited to see my chulis, pay $6 for a ciroc and soda, and eat at all my fave spots ... i just counted nine mosquito bites on my legs from work and i look like i have the chicken pox - i don't think i ever knew miami HAD freakin mosquitos ... speaking of work, this little girl misses her little whure and can't wait to score some distasi's lasagna swag ... i think i would just die without coffee ... i have a slight headache from three vodka sodas and two beers (OK four beers but the first two were at a different bar and i was basically unaffected by the time i found parking downtown) ... just realized that when it comes to news, if it's not on E!, ESPN or twitter, i don't know about it ... had fun at tobacco road last night after being there one other time and hating it - goes to show that it's all about who you're with ... i don't think anyone talks on the phone more than my great aunt, who is 89-years-old and arguably has a better social life than i do ... but what should i do after work tonight? ... glad that i caught so you think you can dance the other night and discovered katriana debarge's song titled "goodbye" - obsessed with the lyrics for now and really want to choreograph a dance to it, or learn the one she already has ... also loving the "ego" remix with kanye and have rediscovered "miss new booty" and "stuntin like my daddy" ... i feel like i have a runny nose ALL the time ... thinking i should get in the shower so i can buy that new guess bag on my way to work ... hoping i can be in a good mood ALL day today instead of just 3/4 of the day ... hey hey hey, goodbye

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