Tuesday, May 12, 2009

around the horn with yours truly.

sitting around watching ESPN's around the horn. many things i'd like to comment on, starting with the fact that this is the most civil (read: boring) episode of this show in recent memory. no one is fighting. it may as well be an episode of sportscenter seeing as how sportscenter has basically turned into E! news these days.

anyway, leading off with mark cuban. the guy just LOOKS like your average middle-aged, obnoxious white man that you would find hammered at a bar at 3 p.m. on a monday, yelling at everyone who walks by and getting in fights with strangers about nothing. in fact, he may have been at finnegan's last night. but seriously - talking smack on an opposing player's MOM? wilmer valderama might have an opening on his mtv show titled, "yo mama," if you'd like to sign up. idiot. i like that cuban is so involved with the mavs and kudos for blog-ogizing but this guy seems to spend a lot of time stirring up trouble and then apologizing for it. he's like the lindsay lohan of the nba. here's a thought: grow up. then blog about it.

more apologies, this time from big baby and this time, unnecessary (but cute). the guy got excited after making the shot of his life, and some father wants an apology because this "animal" ran into his 12-year-old son while celebrating. pretty sure if you're sitting ON the court, you have enough money to buy an apology and a band-aid. your son is a wimp and his classmates probably already know that. i'm sure he thanks you for making it worse.

i think this lady just kicked HERSELF off the show? woody paige would never allow this ...

horse racing. i care to speak about that sport about as much as i care to hear even more about brett favre and his fake retirements.

the cavs are ridiculous. i'd like to touch lebron james' arms.

hockey. not my thing. nice right hook, though.

roger clemens: another guy who should just make like the black eyed peas and shut up, just shut up, shut up. not only is he stirring this up himself by promoting a book that no one even knew was coming out, he is trying to say that he would never take harmful drugs because his family, including his stepfather, has a history of heart disease. "it would be like suicide." i didn't go to med school but from what i learned from a family tree experiment in the second grade, your stepfather's genes have nothing to do with yours.

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