Thursday, May 14, 2009

only YOU can prevent forest fires

today, i dragged (drug? yeah, i was a journalism major) kiki to two different malls in search of the perfect dress for my birthday outing. we decided that we aren't fans of fashion right now for the following reasons: bows, flowers and zebra prints. it seems as though i need to choose between the bridesmaid look, the blair waldorf look, and the cougar look. i refuse and probably will just end up wearing the shirt that i wear as a dress from express.
and what's up with dressing rooms these days? most don't have doors, they have curtains which hardly stay closed. good thing kiki was there to stick her foot out the bottom of the curtain so that all of forever XII wouldn't see my goods. (also a good thing kiki was there to pull off a dress with a broken zipper for me, but that's another story)
either way, i guess i support the curtains seeing as how the only dressing room with an actual door that i went into, found its way to my forehead and i now have a bump the size of a golf ball above my right eyebrow. fml.
on the upside of coming out of two malls with only a bump on my head to show for it, the only cash spent was a combined $5 at starbucks. and the REAL adventure came as we were leaving ...
in a shocking turn of events, i'm yelling at some idiot driver for somehow not noticing the bright yellow sign that reads "incoming mall traffic does not stop," when kiki says, "um, is something on fire?" (see above photo)
we obviously are way too nosy to let this go so we decide to make like helen hunt in twister and start driving around during rush hour trying to find where this big cloud of smoke is coming from. we see one firetruck heading towards it and i'm thinking, you're probably gonna need more than one truck for that mess. then we see three cops hanging out outside the mall ... you might want to check out that big, dark cloud over there and discuss how to be a mall cop later. anyway, it was just a forest fire so i guess it's not that big of a deal, seeing as we also saw cops and firetrucks heading away from the action.
all in all, a solid afternoon shopping and chasing fires with kiki. smokey the bear would be proud.

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