Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random things about me

1) My favorite movie is Mean Girls. I will watch it whenever it’s on TV, even though I own the DVD. Boo you whore. (2) The only way I would move North would be to take a job at Penn State. Otherwise, Miami is stuck with me, although I wouldn’t rule out a return to the Dirty D and vicinity, or Washington D.C. (3) One of my biggest pet peeves are girls that dress up for sporting events. Dressing up is defined as one or more of the following: high heels, tanks and halters that you would otherwise wear to a club, dresses and skirts. (4) I am dying to play the Rachael Ray drinking game. Google it. (5) Thanks to Penn State drilling AP Style into my head, it absolutely kills me to see numbers below 10 written in text as the actual number (ex. 9).

(6) I have a girl crush on Blake Lively (i.e. Serena from Gossip Girl). That being said, I will plan my entire Monday around new episodes of GG. (7) If I could, I would wear boy shorts, oversized sweatpants and a tank, 24/7. (8) Without dance, I would die. Since I was laid off in early December I haven’t gone to a hip-hop class and I know for a fact that that is part of the reason I get so down sometimes. Dancing is like a therapy to me and I need it in my life. (9) If I could change one thing about myself overnight it would be to have a tighter and defined stomach. If I could pick one body part to never change, it would be my butt. (10) I would love to take tennis lessons and start playing again. Tennis is a great way to release anger and frustration. Also, I enjoy the short little skirts.

(11) A song that always puts me in a good mood is Streetcorner Symphony by Rob Thomas. I listen to Jessica Simpson and Carrie Underwood when I want to sing in the shower. When I’m angry I like a little Nice To Know You by Incubus. One of my fave songs to get ready to go out to is Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls. Hate Me Now (Diddy & Nas), Come With Me (Diddy) and I Can (Nas) are three songs that push me to work harder while working out. I will never get tired of Shake It Like A Pom Pom by Missy Elliott. (12) In my college days, I used to put my TV on ESPN before I went out in case I brought a dude home to ensure a sick first impression. (13) The economy sucks right now and I try not to complain about being unemployed and broke. I try to tell myself that there are always a ton of people worse off than me, and to be thankful for what I do have and for the people in my life. (14) I hate wearing pants around the house. (15) I would give my right arm for Chinese Kitchen Express or Mad Mex right now.

(16) One time when I was a toddler, I was at the mall with my grandma and father and wanted to ride one of those horses that you put a quarter in. Dad put a quarter in and it didn’t work. My response? “Jesus Christ, they oughta put a sign on it!” Ay dios mio. (17) I will learn Spanish by 2010. (18) I want to be famous so that I can have a personal trainer that forces me to work out. Also meeting other famous people would be cool, and having a ton of money would be OK, too. (19) If I had a time machine I would use it to go back to Penn State so that I could take shots of 99 Berries while playing Quarters at Beaver Hill, dance my ass off at Players with my Whiplash girls and eat Canyon Pizza with a liter of Ranch dressing. (20) I have a secret wish to be on The Bad Girls Club. Keeping Up The Kardashians and Run’s House both profile, in my mind, two of the most entertaining families on the planet. The most ridiculous reality show that I watch has to be Rock of Love Bus. I have never watched an episode of Survivor and don’t plan to. I have cried during The Bachelor. I’m over The Hills. Top Chef is great show even though I don’t know what they are talking about in regards to food and cooking most of the time.

(21) I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. (22) If I could have any celeb boyfriend it would be Taye Diggs or Channing Tatum. (23) If I could play any character in any movie it would be Kate Hudson in How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days. (24) I prefer a beer over a cocktail or glass of wine most days of the week. Beer of choice is Heineken Light, cocktail of choice is Ciroc and tonic and wine of choice is something sweet but not like “perfume water” as my mom refers to Arbor Mist. (25) It would be great if I could form a city with all my family member and friends and then conduct interviews to see who could be invited into the city. Or if I could snap my fingers and be somewhere to be with a family member or friend that needed me. Something like that.

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