Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who is this b*tch?!

Once again I have turned to reality TV for another blog entry. So sue me; you’re reading aren’t you? Hater.

So, here are my thoughts on each of these broads. Enjoy.

Amber B – A bit of a blonde, but she’s pretty normal. I could be friends with her. In last week’s episode she got drunk and had trouble finding her straw while dancing. Happens to me even sober. And all the time when intoxicated. Go on girl.

Quotable: “I’ve got a boy and you don’t, nah nah nah nah-nah nah!”

Amber M – What. A. Dumb. B*tch. The definition of a blonde. Her voice is annoying and most of the other girls want to punch her. I’d be OK with that – my money is on Whitney/Boston to get it done.

Quotable: “I like to get tossed sometimes, but mostly … I just like to get it up.”

K.C./Kayla – I wish she would have left sooner than she did. I’m still not sure which was her real name. When she was in the house the girls got kicked out of every establishment that they went to for fighting, including a restaurant. Once her dress ripped and Tiffany laughed at her (that sh*t was funny) and she responded by leaving the club and taking off ALL her clothes in the limo. Cool.

Quotable: “I’m tired of being the center of attention!”

Sarah – Sarah is the bomb. She’s actually intelligent and always seems to be the voice of reason when fights break out. Also she has some pretty good one-liners. Let’s hang out.

Quotable: “Joey will sleep with anyone with a pulse. And the pulse is optional.”

Tiffany – She’s alright, too. Except for that whole standing on the limo and yelling thing after some black girls supposedly “choked out” the Ambers in the bathroom one night. Hey, at least she had their backs.

Quotable: “Chi-town, b*tch! Believe that! Believe that!”

Whitney/Boston – A little too obsessed with being from Boston. Other than that, she’s cool. Does like to get in fights, though. And I’d probably bet on her winning nine out of 10 fights. I probably wouldn’t even argue about the Yankees with her. She’s a serious bad ass I think.

Quotable: “I’m from Boston! Nobody cries in Boston!”

Ailea – Whiner. And self-admittedly, certifiably crazy. Did I say whiner already? UGH.

Quotable: “I wanna have fun, I wanna kiss boys, and I don’t care if I hurt anyone in the process.”

Ashley – New broad that just moved in. Seems alright. Pretty full of herself, just like the rest of them. Thinks everyone is fighting over being her friend. Get a CLUE.

Quotable: “Everywhere I go everyone just stops and stares at me so I’m used to it.”

Other important players: the pink, glittery, furry house phone; Kevin, Ailea’s 40-year-old boyfriend from online; Greg, Amber M’s ridiculously immature and lame manfriend that still lives with his ex-girlfriend yet sleeps with Amber M; Sarah’s boobs; Chi-town.

And the Oscar goes to … Joey from the Real World!!! Who made a cameo this week!!! And hooked up with Ashley even though she’s “pretty sure he has a girlfriend … Hi Joey’s girlfriend! Sorry!” Quality.

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