Sunday, August 23, 2009


this is it folks - detox starts tomorrow on all levels. diet, focus, gym, j-o-b, mental wellness. let's get it!

went the store after church today (it's my third sunday in a row thankyouverymuch) and stocked up on healthy stuff. lean cuisines and frozen veggies to add to them to make 'em more filling. frozen fruits for granola and yogurt in the AM. was a little nervous about the black bean veggie burgers but had one for lunch and it was sooooo good! pretzel goldfish, 94% fat free popcorn and 90-cal chocolate chunk granola bars for snacks at work. mandarin orange cups. love when i get back from the store and have so much good stuff i don't know what to make first!

the drinking has definitely gone down over the past week or so. had two vodka-sodas and a miller light on friday at happy hour and wondered if i should be driving, it hit me so hard! yeesh. had two ciroc and gatorades while watching dolphins preseason last night, but was home and in bed by midnight. felt good to be well-rested this AM for church.

cardio five days a week is definitely in effect starting tomorrow. was on track before i threw my back out last tuesday, post-run. put me out of dance class on wednesday even though i got a gym membership that afternoon. been scared to do much but i think i'm back at 110 percent now! hoping to keep up my interval training - read in a magazine that an easy way to do intervals and to keep it interesting is to run during the chorus of a song and walk fast during the verses. it's been working well and you would be surprised at how many songs have realllllly long choruses and super short verses! also wanna start weight training - one day of arms and one day of legs - and also wanna get on an every-other-day abs rountine. it's a lot but it will hopefully come together.

job is going great and i'm putting everything i've got into it. first week down and all good so far - let's keep at it.

focus and mental wellness. what am i focusing on that allows me to not dwell on the lack of a male specimen in my life? fantasy football draft tomorrow - pumped about team bushandtush. woot woot! some good tv shows are starting up - big fan of project runway, the T.O. show, ABDC, drop dead diva and khloe and kourtney take miami. next big premiere is greek on the 31st.

obvi i can't completely give up on men ... as amerie puts it, why r u the only thing that i care about?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

even animals have to be on a diet in miami

alarm went off at 7:45 this morning and i contemplated skipping the run i swore to myself i would go on. hit the snooze button once and got out of bed ... slipped on the nikes, made sure my ipod was fully charged, and headed out. before driving to the park, i had a small banana with a little peanut butter to give me an energy boost - i think it worked and was a good choice, but i still was tired and winded pretty fast since it's been a while since i was serious about cardio. now that i know exactly where the park is, i can actually walk there which will be a good warm-up on the way and a good cool-down on the way back. i'm really not a fan of swerving around ducks coming in and out of the pond and onto the paved trail, but hey, what are ya gonna do?

after the run and a good stretch, i returned to the house. took a shower, threw in some laundry and had some vanilla yogurt with strawberries and organic granola.

my cat (her name is puma) was trying to get some of whatever i was eating and i feel bad because i took her to the vet yesterday and was told that she "could stand to lose a few pounds." poor thing can only be fed once a day now, and the doc also recommended a high protein, low carb diet. seriously? even animals are pressured to be skinny in this city!

heading to fort lauderdale soon for lunch with a family friend and then drinks with a friend from high school. i'm making a serious effort at lunch to have a soup and salad (or just a salad depending on how healthy/unhealthy they seem at the restaurant). as far as booze is concerned i would really like to drive home later so i WILL WILL WILL follow the one drink, one water rule!!!!! wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

rick pitino, kourtney kardashian, miley cyrus & channing tatum

had to take a break from the detox updates even tho there have only been one or two. there's just too much going on today to not comment on ...

exhibit A - louisville basketball coach rick pitino has come out and said that he gave a woman three grand to have an abortion. apparently he had sex with this broad six years ago in a restaurant and then she tried to say he raped her. twice. also the owner of said restaurant gave pitino the keys, allegedly, and said to just lock up when he was done. what did she think they were going to do? have coffee and chat? get rid of the kobe complex and buy a clue. also nothing is more disturbing about this story than the simple fact that he had sex with a woman IN A RESTAURANT.

exhibit B - kourtney kardashian is pregnant! i swear if it's that idiot scott's kid, i'll stop watching her show. just kidding, but seriously that guy is wack. he definitely out-kicked the coverage with her.

exhibit C - miley cyrus is being criticized for her "sexy" performance at the teen choice awards. seriously?! granted, there was a pole involved but come onnnnn cut a girl some slack! the pole was on top of an ice cream cart for pete's sake. and the main lyrics to this jingly are "party in the USA." not so sexy. even chelsea handler has "turned the bucktooth corner" and is now a fan of miley for this allegedly sexy but so not performance.

and finally, exhibit D - channing tatum used to be a stripper?!?!?! where can i get some of that?

Monday, August 10, 2009

pass or fail?

detox update ...

pass: did not black out and made it home by midnight from kiki's going away bash yesterday.
fail: stuck with vodka sodas until the final two drinks which were beers, booooo. also started out the day drinking water and booze but in my defense, it was hard to tell when one drink ended and the other began seeing as how my cup was never empty from refilling it with ice due to the extreme heat.

pass: behaved myself on the male front of things.

pass: didn't eat a ridiculous amount of food yesterday, as predicted.
fail: went to fridays today and had three breadsticks, even though i did have a side salad and a cup of chicken tortilla soup.

pass: went to church yesterday!

fail: have not begun to work out.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

probably not a good call to start detox on a friday.

doing well on the drinking water thing, and i even ordered one water between vodka-soda number two and three on friday night. but then not between three and four. or four and five. also broke the beer rule, but in my defense i did have a mich ultra draft which is supposedly low-cal. also it's kinda like alcoholic water but that's beside the point. anyway, detox day one on a friday was probably setting myself up for disappointment ... i did get a little tipsy, but was in bed by 10.

woo woooo! but we all know that's only because i had to get up at 3:45 a.m. to go deep sea fishing with out of town friends. that was a treat today - the last time i was this tired was probably after day two of ECDA training camp. got home around 4, showered and ate then passed out shortly after until 8:30. can barely keep my eyes open. but it was a great time with good people and i can't complain ... except for about the whole almost getting sick thing.

can barely keep my eyes open. possibility of no update tomorrow due to kiki's going away bash. another opportunity to completely blow the detox plan. BUT i'm planning on church in the morning followed by cooking a semi-healthy taco dip and cutting fresh fruit for a salad at DK's! will have my 1.5 liter bottle of water in tow, and kiki has vowed to go booze-water-booze-water with me.

hey, it's a start.

Friday, August 7, 2009


yay for starting a new job on the 17th and double yay for the "detox my life" plan, which i will be outlining (for myself rather than anyone else) here today. first, a shout-out to lynn for turning me on to parts of this plan/mantra ... loving the motivation connection between MIA and DC (love you) ... LET'S GO!

WHO: yours truly.
WHAT: detox 101 - my newest attempt at growing up.
WHEN: beginning immediately, if not sooner.
WHY: because hangovers last too long these days, my jeans are too tight, energy is being wasted on the wrong things, and well, toto ... we're not in state college anymore.

1. i'm mrs. she's too big, now she's too thin, you want a piece of me? DIET. not so much an actual diet but more-so trying to avoid things like fried yuca, chinese food and multiple slices of pizza at all hours of the morning. striving for 1300 cals/day and working on upping my fruits and veggies intake. must drink much more water and less diet coke and coffee. starting my own food diary of sorts and relying on a good, filling breakfast to start the day. be more conscious of fiber. do not freak out if i screw up! keep going.

2. blame it on the goose, got ya feelin loose ... BOOZE. alcohol is the devil with angel-like qualities. in cooperation with item 1, only vodka-sodas will be consumed, with one exception: light beer during sporting events, in person or on TV. i just don't feel right drinking liquor while watching sports, i don't know why. back to alcohol consumption ... must drink water while boozing when out. will make a conscious effort to know when enough is enough so as to not black out often. will try to avoid salty (and sultry) texts and BBMs to members of the opposite sex. no late-night unhealthy food. etc., etc. .......

3. i be up in the gym just workin on my fitness ... WORKING OUT. stolen from lynn's detox plan, i will strive for five days of cardio per week. will go back to dance class every wednesday. strength training twice a week. ab workout every other day. work on posture.

4. i ain't worried, doin me tonight, a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody ... DATING. thou shalt channel all energy previously put towards finding mr. right into all other areas of life: friends, family, work, and so on. also stolen from lynn. (disclaimer: if mr. right now should approach, thou shalt be ms. right now)

5. the good life, it feel like atlanta, it feel like LA, it feel like miami ... LIFE. will appreciate what i have and who i am, as well as other people. must visit sick godmother more even though it makes me depressed. will cherish "me time" in bed, at the beach or sitting outside ... enjoying self-made iced coffee, reading a book or mag, doing a crossword puzzle, or watching trashy TV. back to church. get better at keeping in touch with family and friends. watch my spending. read more. blog more.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


From: GOD
Reference: LIFE

This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you.

P.S. And, remember...
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

Should you decide to send this to a friend - thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know! Now, you have a nice day.
