Sunday, August 23, 2009


this is it folks - detox starts tomorrow on all levels. diet, focus, gym, j-o-b, mental wellness. let's get it!

went the store after church today (it's my third sunday in a row thankyouverymuch) and stocked up on healthy stuff. lean cuisines and frozen veggies to add to them to make 'em more filling. frozen fruits for granola and yogurt in the AM. was a little nervous about the black bean veggie burgers but had one for lunch and it was sooooo good! pretzel goldfish, 94% fat free popcorn and 90-cal chocolate chunk granola bars for snacks at work. mandarin orange cups. love when i get back from the store and have so much good stuff i don't know what to make first!

the drinking has definitely gone down over the past week or so. had two vodka-sodas and a miller light on friday at happy hour and wondered if i should be driving, it hit me so hard! yeesh. had two ciroc and gatorades while watching dolphins preseason last night, but was home and in bed by midnight. felt good to be well-rested this AM for church.

cardio five days a week is definitely in effect starting tomorrow. was on track before i threw my back out last tuesday, post-run. put me out of dance class on wednesday even though i got a gym membership that afternoon. been scared to do much but i think i'm back at 110 percent now! hoping to keep up my interval training - read in a magazine that an easy way to do intervals and to keep it interesting is to run during the chorus of a song and walk fast during the verses. it's been working well and you would be surprised at how many songs have realllllly long choruses and super short verses! also wanna start weight training - one day of arms and one day of legs - and also wanna get on an every-other-day abs rountine. it's a lot but it will hopefully come together.

job is going great and i'm putting everything i've got into it. first week down and all good so far - let's keep at it.

focus and mental wellness. what am i focusing on that allows me to not dwell on the lack of a male specimen in my life? fantasy football draft tomorrow - pumped about team bushandtush. woot woot! some good tv shows are starting up - big fan of project runway, the T.O. show, ABDC, drop dead diva and khloe and kourtney take miami. next big premiere is greek on the 31st.

obvi i can't completely give up on men ... as amerie puts it, why r u the only thing that i care about?

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