Thursday, August 13, 2009

even animals have to be on a diet in miami

alarm went off at 7:45 this morning and i contemplated skipping the run i swore to myself i would go on. hit the snooze button once and got out of bed ... slipped on the nikes, made sure my ipod was fully charged, and headed out. before driving to the park, i had a small banana with a little peanut butter to give me an energy boost - i think it worked and was a good choice, but i still was tired and winded pretty fast since it's been a while since i was serious about cardio. now that i know exactly where the park is, i can actually walk there which will be a good warm-up on the way and a good cool-down on the way back. i'm really not a fan of swerving around ducks coming in and out of the pond and onto the paved trail, but hey, what are ya gonna do?

after the run and a good stretch, i returned to the house. took a shower, threw in some laundry and had some vanilla yogurt with strawberries and organic granola.

my cat (her name is puma) was trying to get some of whatever i was eating and i feel bad because i took her to the vet yesterday and was told that she "could stand to lose a few pounds." poor thing can only be fed once a day now, and the doc also recommended a high protein, low carb diet. seriously? even animals are pressured to be skinny in this city!

heading to fort lauderdale soon for lunch with a family friend and then drinks with a friend from high school. i'm making a serious effort at lunch to have a soup and salad (or just a salad depending on how healthy/unhealthy they seem at the restaurant). as far as booze is concerned i would really like to drive home later so i WILL WILL WILL follow the one drink, one water rule!!!!! wish me luck!

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