Saturday, August 8, 2009

probably not a good call to start detox on a friday.

doing well on the drinking water thing, and i even ordered one water between vodka-soda number two and three on friday night. but then not between three and four. or four and five. also broke the beer rule, but in my defense i did have a mich ultra draft which is supposedly low-cal. also it's kinda like alcoholic water but that's beside the point. anyway, detox day one on a friday was probably setting myself up for disappointment ... i did get a little tipsy, but was in bed by 10.

woo woooo! but we all know that's only because i had to get up at 3:45 a.m. to go deep sea fishing with out of town friends. that was a treat today - the last time i was this tired was probably after day two of ECDA training camp. got home around 4, showered and ate then passed out shortly after until 8:30. can barely keep my eyes open. but it was a great time with good people and i can't complain ... except for about the whole almost getting sick thing.

can barely keep my eyes open. possibility of no update tomorrow due to kiki's going away bash. another opportunity to completely blow the detox plan. BUT i'm planning on church in the morning followed by cooking a semi-healthy taco dip and cutting fresh fruit for a salad at DK's! will have my 1.5 liter bottle of water in tow, and kiki has vowed to go booze-water-booze-water with me.

hey, it's a start.

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