Friday, August 7, 2009


yay for starting a new job on the 17th and double yay for the "detox my life" plan, which i will be outlining (for myself rather than anyone else) here today. first, a shout-out to lynn for turning me on to parts of this plan/mantra ... loving the motivation connection between MIA and DC (love you) ... LET'S GO!

WHO: yours truly.
WHAT: detox 101 - my newest attempt at growing up.
WHEN: beginning immediately, if not sooner.
WHY: because hangovers last too long these days, my jeans are too tight, energy is being wasted on the wrong things, and well, toto ... we're not in state college anymore.

1. i'm mrs. she's too big, now she's too thin, you want a piece of me? DIET. not so much an actual diet but more-so trying to avoid things like fried yuca, chinese food and multiple slices of pizza at all hours of the morning. striving for 1300 cals/day and working on upping my fruits and veggies intake. must drink much more water and less diet coke and coffee. starting my own food diary of sorts and relying on a good, filling breakfast to start the day. be more conscious of fiber. do not freak out if i screw up! keep going.

2. blame it on the goose, got ya feelin loose ... BOOZE. alcohol is the devil with angel-like qualities. in cooperation with item 1, only vodka-sodas will be consumed, with one exception: light beer during sporting events, in person or on TV. i just don't feel right drinking liquor while watching sports, i don't know why. back to alcohol consumption ... must drink water while boozing when out. will make a conscious effort to know when enough is enough so as to not black out often. will try to avoid salty (and sultry) texts and BBMs to members of the opposite sex. no late-night unhealthy food. etc., etc. .......

3. i be up in the gym just workin on my fitness ... WORKING OUT. stolen from lynn's detox plan, i will strive for five days of cardio per week. will go back to dance class every wednesday. strength training twice a week. ab workout every other day. work on posture.

4. i ain't worried, doin me tonight, a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody ... DATING. thou shalt channel all energy previously put towards finding mr. right into all other areas of life: friends, family, work, and so on. also stolen from lynn. (disclaimer: if mr. right now should approach, thou shalt be ms. right now)

5. the good life, it feel like atlanta, it feel like LA, it feel like miami ... LIFE. will appreciate what i have and who i am, as well as other people. must visit sick godmother more even though it makes me depressed. will cherish "me time" in bed, at the beach or sitting outside ... enjoying self-made iced coffee, reading a book or mag, doing a crossword puzzle, or watching trashy TV. back to church. get better at keeping in touch with family and friends. watch my spending. read more. blog more.

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