Sunday, August 23, 2009


this is it folks - detox starts tomorrow on all levels. diet, focus, gym, j-o-b, mental wellness. let's get it!

went the store after church today (it's my third sunday in a row thankyouverymuch) and stocked up on healthy stuff. lean cuisines and frozen veggies to add to them to make 'em more filling. frozen fruits for granola and yogurt in the AM. was a little nervous about the black bean veggie burgers but had one for lunch and it was sooooo good! pretzel goldfish, 94% fat free popcorn and 90-cal chocolate chunk granola bars for snacks at work. mandarin orange cups. love when i get back from the store and have so much good stuff i don't know what to make first!

the drinking has definitely gone down over the past week or so. had two vodka-sodas and a miller light on friday at happy hour and wondered if i should be driving, it hit me so hard! yeesh. had two ciroc and gatorades while watching dolphins preseason last night, but was home and in bed by midnight. felt good to be well-rested this AM for church.

cardio five days a week is definitely in effect starting tomorrow. was on track before i threw my back out last tuesday, post-run. put me out of dance class on wednesday even though i got a gym membership that afternoon. been scared to do much but i think i'm back at 110 percent now! hoping to keep up my interval training - read in a magazine that an easy way to do intervals and to keep it interesting is to run during the chorus of a song and walk fast during the verses. it's been working well and you would be surprised at how many songs have realllllly long choruses and super short verses! also wanna start weight training - one day of arms and one day of legs - and also wanna get on an every-other-day abs rountine. it's a lot but it will hopefully come together.

job is going great and i'm putting everything i've got into it. first week down and all good so far - let's keep at it.

focus and mental wellness. what am i focusing on that allows me to not dwell on the lack of a male specimen in my life? fantasy football draft tomorrow - pumped about team bushandtush. woot woot! some good tv shows are starting up - big fan of project runway, the T.O. show, ABDC, drop dead diva and khloe and kourtney take miami. next big premiere is greek on the 31st.

obvi i can't completely give up on men ... as amerie puts it, why r u the only thing that i care about?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

even animals have to be on a diet in miami

alarm went off at 7:45 this morning and i contemplated skipping the run i swore to myself i would go on. hit the snooze button once and got out of bed ... slipped on the nikes, made sure my ipod was fully charged, and headed out. before driving to the park, i had a small banana with a little peanut butter to give me an energy boost - i think it worked and was a good choice, but i still was tired and winded pretty fast since it's been a while since i was serious about cardio. now that i know exactly where the park is, i can actually walk there which will be a good warm-up on the way and a good cool-down on the way back. i'm really not a fan of swerving around ducks coming in and out of the pond and onto the paved trail, but hey, what are ya gonna do?

after the run and a good stretch, i returned to the house. took a shower, threw in some laundry and had some vanilla yogurt with strawberries and organic granola.

my cat (her name is puma) was trying to get some of whatever i was eating and i feel bad because i took her to the vet yesterday and was told that she "could stand to lose a few pounds." poor thing can only be fed once a day now, and the doc also recommended a high protein, low carb diet. seriously? even animals are pressured to be skinny in this city!

heading to fort lauderdale soon for lunch with a family friend and then drinks with a friend from high school. i'm making a serious effort at lunch to have a soup and salad (or just a salad depending on how healthy/unhealthy they seem at the restaurant). as far as booze is concerned i would really like to drive home later so i WILL WILL WILL follow the one drink, one water rule!!!!! wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

rick pitino, kourtney kardashian, miley cyrus & channing tatum

had to take a break from the detox updates even tho there have only been one or two. there's just too much going on today to not comment on ...

exhibit A - louisville basketball coach rick pitino has come out and said that he gave a woman three grand to have an abortion. apparently he had sex with this broad six years ago in a restaurant and then she tried to say he raped her. twice. also the owner of said restaurant gave pitino the keys, allegedly, and said to just lock up when he was done. what did she think they were going to do? have coffee and chat? get rid of the kobe complex and buy a clue. also nothing is more disturbing about this story than the simple fact that he had sex with a woman IN A RESTAURANT.

exhibit B - kourtney kardashian is pregnant! i swear if it's that idiot scott's kid, i'll stop watching her show. just kidding, but seriously that guy is wack. he definitely out-kicked the coverage with her.

exhibit C - miley cyrus is being criticized for her "sexy" performance at the teen choice awards. seriously?! granted, there was a pole involved but come onnnnn cut a girl some slack! the pole was on top of an ice cream cart for pete's sake. and the main lyrics to this jingly are "party in the USA." not so sexy. even chelsea handler has "turned the bucktooth corner" and is now a fan of miley for this allegedly sexy but so not performance.

and finally, exhibit D - channing tatum used to be a stripper?!?!?! where can i get some of that?

Monday, August 10, 2009

pass or fail?

detox update ...

pass: did not black out and made it home by midnight from kiki's going away bash yesterday.
fail: stuck with vodka sodas until the final two drinks which were beers, booooo. also started out the day drinking water and booze but in my defense, it was hard to tell when one drink ended and the other began seeing as how my cup was never empty from refilling it with ice due to the extreme heat.

pass: behaved myself on the male front of things.

pass: didn't eat a ridiculous amount of food yesterday, as predicted.
fail: went to fridays today and had three breadsticks, even though i did have a side salad and a cup of chicken tortilla soup.

pass: went to church yesterday!

fail: have not begun to work out.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

probably not a good call to start detox on a friday.

doing well on the drinking water thing, and i even ordered one water between vodka-soda number two and three on friday night. but then not between three and four. or four and five. also broke the beer rule, but in my defense i did have a mich ultra draft which is supposedly low-cal. also it's kinda like alcoholic water but that's beside the point. anyway, detox day one on a friday was probably setting myself up for disappointment ... i did get a little tipsy, but was in bed by 10.

woo woooo! but we all know that's only because i had to get up at 3:45 a.m. to go deep sea fishing with out of town friends. that was a treat today - the last time i was this tired was probably after day two of ECDA training camp. got home around 4, showered and ate then passed out shortly after until 8:30. can barely keep my eyes open. but it was a great time with good people and i can't complain ... except for about the whole almost getting sick thing.

can barely keep my eyes open. possibility of no update tomorrow due to kiki's going away bash. another opportunity to completely blow the detox plan. BUT i'm planning on church in the morning followed by cooking a semi-healthy taco dip and cutting fresh fruit for a salad at DK's! will have my 1.5 liter bottle of water in tow, and kiki has vowed to go booze-water-booze-water with me.

hey, it's a start.

Friday, August 7, 2009


yay for starting a new job on the 17th and double yay for the "detox my life" plan, which i will be outlining (for myself rather than anyone else) here today. first, a shout-out to lynn for turning me on to parts of this plan/mantra ... loving the motivation connection between MIA and DC (love you) ... LET'S GO!

WHO: yours truly.
WHAT: detox 101 - my newest attempt at growing up.
WHEN: beginning immediately, if not sooner.
WHY: because hangovers last too long these days, my jeans are too tight, energy is being wasted on the wrong things, and well, toto ... we're not in state college anymore.

1. i'm mrs. she's too big, now she's too thin, you want a piece of me? DIET. not so much an actual diet but more-so trying to avoid things like fried yuca, chinese food and multiple slices of pizza at all hours of the morning. striving for 1300 cals/day and working on upping my fruits and veggies intake. must drink much more water and less diet coke and coffee. starting my own food diary of sorts and relying on a good, filling breakfast to start the day. be more conscious of fiber. do not freak out if i screw up! keep going.

2. blame it on the goose, got ya feelin loose ... BOOZE. alcohol is the devil with angel-like qualities. in cooperation with item 1, only vodka-sodas will be consumed, with one exception: light beer during sporting events, in person or on TV. i just don't feel right drinking liquor while watching sports, i don't know why. back to alcohol consumption ... must drink water while boozing when out. will make a conscious effort to know when enough is enough so as to not black out often. will try to avoid salty (and sultry) texts and BBMs to members of the opposite sex. no late-night unhealthy food. etc., etc. .......

3. i be up in the gym just workin on my fitness ... WORKING OUT. stolen from lynn's detox plan, i will strive for five days of cardio per week. will go back to dance class every wednesday. strength training twice a week. ab workout every other day. work on posture.

4. i ain't worried, doin me tonight, a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody ... DATING. thou shalt channel all energy previously put towards finding mr. right into all other areas of life: friends, family, work, and so on. also stolen from lynn. (disclaimer: if mr. right now should approach, thou shalt be ms. right now)

5. the good life, it feel like atlanta, it feel like LA, it feel like miami ... LIFE. will appreciate what i have and who i am, as well as other people. must visit sick godmother more even though it makes me depressed. will cherish "me time" in bed, at the beach or sitting outside ... enjoying self-made iced coffee, reading a book or mag, doing a crossword puzzle, or watching trashy TV. back to church. get better at keeping in touch with family and friends. watch my spending. read more. blog more.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


From: GOD
Reference: LIFE

This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you.

P.S. And, remember...
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

Should you decide to send this to a friend - thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know! Now, you have a nice day.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Standing By Amanda - local charity event

Two great articles re: a charity event happening tomorrow in FLL, put on through a charity I've been involved with, the Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation. Stories like these really make you grateful for what and who you have in your life ... visit for more information or to make a donation.

Event to benefit family of teen fighting cancer
Two charities are rallying around a Margate father caring for a daughter with cancer -- and no money to pay the rent.

Special to The Miami Herald, August 1, 2009

Burly, hardworking Dave Blake picked up the pieces of a broken home a decade ago, when he was left with three kids, one paycheck and just enough money to cover the bills.

On Dec. 26, 2008, when the single dad's only daughter, Amanda, 15, was diagnosed with a rare form of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer, the chemical salesman quit his job and dedicated himself to saving his daughter.

For the whole article, click here:

Standing by Amanda — a father reaches out to the community to help his daughter
From Society Scene, A marketing publication of the Sun-Sentinel Company, August 5, 2009

Although many are coping with tough times, people still come together when one of their own is in need, as evident in the case of Amanda Blake. The 15-year-old South Florida girl is suffering from osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Amanda and her two brothers are being raised by their single father, David, and have little contact with their mother. To care for his daughter, David had to leave his job, and since becoming unemployed, he has not been able to keep up with the household bills. The family, who resides in Margate, has relied on handouts and is living month-to-month with the threat of eviction looming.

When David reached out to the Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) a non-profit organization that provides temporary financial assistance for needy children fighting cancer, its founder, Sandra Muvdi, sprang into action.

For the whole article, click here:,0,3934241.story

Friday, July 31, 2009

delayed at FLL

it's never a good sign when you see that your flight is an hour delayed BEFORE you even re-print your boarding pass and check your bag.

of course there is a family of asians in front of me during the seemingly idiot-proof check-in process. and wouldn't you know that one of their bags is eight pounds overweight. the lady behind the counter says, "you can either pay $50 or remove the weight." low and behold, the woman doesn't have the KEY to her own suicase. good luck with that.

i just heard a five-year-old say to another family: "you have a baby and i don't, so you can go and i can't. i have to wait because i don't have a baby." i hear ya kid.

a failed attempt at trying to find an outlet. no one travels with laptops these days or anything. i must be crazy. finding an outlet in this place is like trying to find all my receipts the morning after a friday night in south beach.

speaking of spending stupid amounts of money for nothing, i just had the worst bbq chicken pizza of my life courtesy of UNO. i think there was actual bbq sauce in one corner of the pizza, which was opposite the corner of the chunk of onion, which was adjacent to the sad-looking pile of chicken. i'm thirsty but since i spent $8.75 on a pizza the size of my pinky nail, i only have $1.25 left from my $10 (check out those math skillz - booyah) bill. and we all know that $1.25 at the airport MIGHT get you the guy behind the counter's number and nothing else.

"the local time is 6:35. the local weather is sunny." NO SHIT. there is no amount of ipod volume that can drown out these people.

i just slammed my elbow on this chair while trying to somewhat discreetly pull out my birth control pills. i give up for the moment and shove them under my laptop.

i spy a man leaving his seat next to a concrete pole ... there may be an outlet on the backside of said pole ... SUCCESS! definitely a top 10 play. high five! as my birth control pills drop onto the floor as i'm gathering my things ...

how do people talk on the phone in the airport? it's louder than an air force base with things taking off and landing and other people talking too loudly on THEIR cell phones. people summoning people to retrieve lost belongings at the security checkpoint and counter people (what are their actual job titles anyway?) telling you for the 234o8239479437th time that your flight is delayed due to airtraffic control and to stay in the gate area because your flight "may leave early." i mean who's that REALLY ever happened to?

my hands smell like hand sanitizer and greasy non-bbq sauce ...

weird that i'm jealous of people boarding a flight to kansas?????

Monday, July 27, 2009

a little A&I (that's awkward and inappropriate)

psumaeg05 (1:54:37 PM): who is ronald and why is he texting me
kcdidier (1:56:16 PM): hehe.
kcdidier (1:56:19 PM): ROTFL!
kcdidier (1:56:21 PM): hahahahahhaahahahau
psumaeg05 (1:56:32 PM): lol
kcdidier (1:56:33 PM): I kid you not... copy of convo with kiki:

kcdidier (1:56:52 PM): butnotforgive (1:37:55 PM): did we drink AT martini bar last night?kcdidier (1:40:00 PM): yup
kcdidier (1:40:05 PM): at least two drinks
butnotforgive (1:40:14 PM): what. really?
kcdidier (1:43:07 PM): nod.
kcdidier (1:43:14 PM): that nice gentleman bought us one.
kcdidier (1:43:22 PM): Ronald
kcdidier (1:56:53 PM): ...
kcdidier (1:57:17 PM): butnotforgive (1:43:49 PM): we met a ronald...?
kcdidier (1:48:27 PM): sure did.
kcdidier (1:48:29 PM): he was lovely.
kcdidier (1:48:38 PM): he didn't want to talk to us though, just maegan.
kcdidier (1:49:04 PM): who gave him the cold shoulder most the night, and then proceeded to tell him all about her pity party and how guys only want to do her not date her.
butnotforgive (1:49:22 PM): sweet jesus

psumaeg05 (1:57:33 PM): lol
psumaeg05 (1:57:37 PM): omg
kcdidier (1:57:42 PM): you actually started crying in front of this dude.
kcdidier (1:57:45 PM): and he's calling you?
kcdidier (1:57:48 PM): whaaa?
psumaeg05 (1:57:57 PM): that is so backwards
psumaeg05 (1:59:57 PM): ugh why do i give people my ACTUAL number

Thursday, July 9, 2009

an interesting license plate

i know this makes me completely immature but enough already - i know you're laughing.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

AM thoughts

how is it june 20 already, meaning that i've been in miami almost a year?! ... 4 days til the dirty dizzle and i'm most excited to see my chulis, pay $6 for a ciroc and soda, and eat at all my fave spots ... i just counted nine mosquito bites on my legs from work and i look like i have the chicken pox - i don't think i ever knew miami HAD freakin mosquitos ... speaking of work, this little girl misses her little whure and can't wait to score some distasi's lasagna swag ... i think i would just die without coffee ... i have a slight headache from three vodka sodas and two beers (OK four beers but the first two were at a different bar and i was basically unaffected by the time i found parking downtown) ... just realized that when it comes to news, if it's not on E!, ESPN or twitter, i don't know about it ... had fun at tobacco road last night after being there one other time and hating it - goes to show that it's all about who you're with ... i don't think anyone talks on the phone more than my great aunt, who is 89-years-old and arguably has a better social life than i do ... but what should i do after work tonight? ... glad that i caught so you think you can dance the other night and discovered katriana debarge's song titled "goodbye" - obsessed with the lyrics for now and really want to choreograph a dance to it, or learn the one she already has ... also loving the "ego" remix with kanye and have rediscovered "miss new booty" and "stuntin like my daddy" ... i feel like i have a runny nose ALL the time ... thinking i should get in the shower so i can buy that new guess bag on my way to work ... hoping i can be in a good mood ALL day today instead of just 3/4 of the day ... hey hey hey, goodbye

Friday, June 5, 2009

an oldie but goodie

found this picture today. stupid. (go duke lax)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

i'm shocked. maybe she's not into awesome guys.

still slightly hungover at 8 p.m., catching up on the new season of the bachelorette. so many thoughts ... some entertaining, none important.

so how does jillian remember all those guys' names? she has to have a cheat sheet and i'm thinking she probably studies before the show, and maybe even before she meets them all. i was trying to remember their names while watching and could recall maybe two or three of them when she was looking at their pictures in the frames and during the rose ceremony. if i were the bachelorette, i would come up with names like flava flav did ... foot fetish guy. pink tie guy. tim mcgraw wanna-be. forehead. b-boy. (speaking of flave, i would also give out vodka sodas or reese's peanut butter cups instead of roses, but that's neither here nor there)

speaking of the roses, i remember pinning a corsage on my prom date and it was NOT that easy. they have to be clip-ons, or magnetic.

limo drama. i can only listen to so many awkward encounters, and jillian, i love ya but if you say "cool" one more time ... deanna might win the title of my favorite bachelorette right back.

stop crying about not getting one-on-one time with jillian and freaking go get some. also, stop hating on tim mcgraw wanna-be because he whipped out his guitar and sang a song. one guy said, "that's lame - just be yourself, man!" ummm he IS being himself because he is a country singer. or at least attempting to be one.

forehead makes his exit, confused. "i'm shocked. maybe she doesn't like awesome guys." hahahaha .... i'm not shocked because your forehead is the size of montana, and in your case, being a lawyer from new york is not enticing because you're cocky as shit for no reason whatsoever.

foot fetish guy. oh man. i knew this was coming thanks to the style network and topanga's (does anyone REALLY know her real name? let's be honest) corny version of E's show, the soup. i guess you were pretty slick in getting jillian to take off her shoes but the talk about corns and bunyons and high arches is completely unnecessary. gross! if bad feet is a dealbreaker, you won't be dating me anytime soon. and i'm totally ok with that.

these dudes are SUCH queens. already threatening each other, talking all macho, showing off their "i can kick this water bottle off your head" skills. having dance-offs. trying on the impression rose. calling people out for not being there for the right reasons - they totally stole that from i love new york. give me a break.

and was i the only one who noticed that fitness model guy looks like jason's twin brother? holy hell. i hope she didn't keep him. WHAT a tool.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

BIG EAST baseball dance-off

apparently this was a result of a five-hour rain delay. seriously?

Monday, May 25, 2009


i refuse to join twitter for fear that i will become addicted to it as much as sportscenter has. i have to admit that i'm intrigued, but ... i have not yet given in to the temptation to tweet out my thoughts, even though i guess i'm technically doing it on this blog ...

anyway, real quick - two things.

first, i'm wondering how athletes like shaq, dwight howard and TO have time to tweet. i mean, shaq is sitting at home not playing postseason ball so that gives him some free time to comment on how "no one works harder than the syracuse lacrosse team" (whatever - GO DUKE), but i'd say the other two are relatively involved in their prospective sports right now. for example, dwight howard commented on the magic's game one win over the cavs just hours after the fact on his twitter page. i guess it has to do with appealing to the fans, but it does make you wonder a little bit if he was on the bus to the hotel thinking, "great win. let me tweet about this before i go to bed tonight ... if i can see my keyboard over my ginormous arms." in regards to TO: i don't really need to say anything because him commenting on comments that two specific teammates caused his release from the cowboys does not in any way surprise me.

second, who in Bristol spends all day browsing athletes' twitter pages to see what they're talking about? and can i get that job? that's pretty much like facebooking all day which i'm sure i could easily succeed at.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hot & cold

You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah you, PMS
Like a bitch
I would know

And you over think
Always speak

I should know
That you're no good for me

Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up

You don't really want to stay, no
But you don't really want to go
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down

We used to be
Just like twins
So in sync
The same energy
Now's a dead battery
Used to laugh bout nothing
Now your plain boring

I should know that
You're not gonna change

Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up

You don't really want to stay, no
But you don't really want to go
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down

Someone call the doctor
Got a case of a love bi-polar
Stuck on a roller coaster
Can't get off this ride

You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes

Thursday, May 14, 2009

only YOU can prevent forest fires

today, i dragged (drug? yeah, i was a journalism major) kiki to two different malls in search of the perfect dress for my birthday outing. we decided that we aren't fans of fashion right now for the following reasons: bows, flowers and zebra prints. it seems as though i need to choose between the bridesmaid look, the blair waldorf look, and the cougar look. i refuse and probably will just end up wearing the shirt that i wear as a dress from express.
and what's up with dressing rooms these days? most don't have doors, they have curtains which hardly stay closed. good thing kiki was there to stick her foot out the bottom of the curtain so that all of forever XII wouldn't see my goods. (also a good thing kiki was there to pull off a dress with a broken zipper for me, but that's another story)
either way, i guess i support the curtains seeing as how the only dressing room with an actual door that i went into, found its way to my forehead and i now have a bump the size of a golf ball above my right eyebrow. fml.
on the upside of coming out of two malls with only a bump on my head to show for it, the only cash spent was a combined $5 at starbucks. and the REAL adventure came as we were leaving ...
in a shocking turn of events, i'm yelling at some idiot driver for somehow not noticing the bright yellow sign that reads "incoming mall traffic does not stop," when kiki says, "um, is something on fire?" (see above photo)
we obviously are way too nosy to let this go so we decide to make like helen hunt in twister and start driving around during rush hour trying to find where this big cloud of smoke is coming from. we see one firetruck heading towards it and i'm thinking, you're probably gonna need more than one truck for that mess. then we see three cops hanging out outside the mall ... you might want to check out that big, dark cloud over there and discuss how to be a mall cop later. anyway, it was just a forest fire so i guess it's not that big of a deal, seeing as we also saw cops and firetrucks heading away from the action.
all in all, a solid afternoon shopping and chasing fires with kiki. smokey the bear would be proud.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


(that's "girls night out" for those keeping track).

after missing a golden opportunity for a blog photo of a woman walking down lincoln road with one of HER girls out, i had to blog about last night's GNO turned "AJ and maegan are all of a sudden much more think than you drunk i am."
pick up AJ downtown, head to lincoln road to meet up with KC and DK at finnegan's. move the party to books and books cafe for some non-bar food (wow, we're really growing up folks!) and sangria. fab. discussions: AJ has been picked for jury duty; KC is going on a date with a lawyer; KC and i recall the first drunken night we hung out which turned into waking up next to her in my underwear (typical); DK says, "i want another pitcher, so if you guys don't, i'll just drink the whole thing (we all clearly have this drinking thing in common).
dinner over, head back to finnegan's for some drinks. random dudes follow us into the bar and have to leave because one can't legally be there. thank God. DK orders what we think is a non-alcoholic beer which turns into a google-it-on-your-blackberry party. no worries; Becks' does have booze in it. whew.
DK and KC head home but AJ and i are determined to stay and make the most of the $10 that AJ put in the parking meter, which by the way JUST ran out at 12:30 today.
watching the magic/celtics game, sippin on some goose and soda, after accidentally ordering tonic the first time and choking it down. AJ going with the classic goose and cran. the magic takes a shot with 50 seconds left and as the ball is in mid-air, the freaking power goes out on all but one tv. of course, as luck would have it, the rest of the power goes out with five seconds remaining in the game. LAME. thank God for the ESPN mobile app for blackberries, and also for EK keeping me updated via text with the play-by-play.
finnegan's is tired, heading elsewhere in search of some hip-hop which is hard to come by on a tuesday night in south beach apparently. we wander all the way to playwright and immediately decide that we'll definitely be getting a cab back to our car after that walk.
music is better at playwright, but creepy locals are still very much in full effect. it appears that tuesday nights are their night to go out. post-many vodka/sodas, i really don't care and am content with rocking out in my chair and BBM'ing and texting everyone in my phone. upset that we can't find the juke box and realizing that we need water instead of vodka immediately if not sooner, we decide that it would be best for us to call it a night.
a $5 cab ride to the car, a BBM that should not have been sent even though i still don't know what was said, and a kelly clarkson rock-out sesh later, home sweet home. a successful GNO.
and i did wake up in my underwear today, just in my own bed instead of DK's this time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

around the horn with yours truly.

sitting around watching ESPN's around the horn. many things i'd like to comment on, starting with the fact that this is the most civil (read: boring) episode of this show in recent memory. no one is fighting. it may as well be an episode of sportscenter seeing as how sportscenter has basically turned into E! news these days.

anyway, leading off with mark cuban. the guy just LOOKS like your average middle-aged, obnoxious white man that you would find hammered at a bar at 3 p.m. on a monday, yelling at everyone who walks by and getting in fights with strangers about nothing. in fact, he may have been at finnegan's last night. but seriously - talking smack on an opposing player's MOM? wilmer valderama might have an opening on his mtv show titled, "yo mama," if you'd like to sign up. idiot. i like that cuban is so involved with the mavs and kudos for blog-ogizing but this guy seems to spend a lot of time stirring up trouble and then apologizing for it. he's like the lindsay lohan of the nba. here's a thought: grow up. then blog about it.

more apologies, this time from big baby and this time, unnecessary (but cute). the guy got excited after making the shot of his life, and some father wants an apology because this "animal" ran into his 12-year-old son while celebrating. pretty sure if you're sitting ON the court, you have enough money to buy an apology and a band-aid. your son is a wimp and his classmates probably already know that. i'm sure he thanks you for making it worse.

i think this lady just kicked HERSELF off the show? woody paige would never allow this ...

horse racing. i care to speak about that sport about as much as i care to hear even more about brett favre and his fake retirements.

the cavs are ridiculous. i'd like to touch lebron james' arms.

hockey. not my thing. nice right hook, though.

roger clemens: another guy who should just make like the black eyed peas and shut up, just shut up, shut up. not only is he stirring this up himself by promoting a book that no one even knew was coming out, he is trying to say that he would never take harmful drugs because his family, including his stepfather, has a history of heart disease. "it would be like suicide." i didn't go to med school but from what i learned from a family tree experiment in the second grade, your stepfather's genes have nothing to do with yours.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

road rage

as an official resident of florida (which by the way cost me $200 - you can't tell me an aluminum rectangle with three numbers, three letters and an orange on it costs that much to make), i feel as though i am allowed to address the following concerns regarding driving in miami:

issue number 1: the left lane.
it seems as though people think that when there are more than two lanes on an expressway, you are OUT of the way when you're in the far left lane. this is not the case - in fact you are very much IN the way and need to move your culo to the appropriate lane for your speed. the following are examples of who should never be in the far left lane: those big honkin trucks that load shit onto ships at port of miami; duck tours or any other type of slow-moving vehicle carrying tourists; handicapped people who probably shouldn't be driving to begin with; anyone who has ever received a ticket for going too slow on the expressway; those gawking at the airplanes and cruise ships.

issue number 2: cops.
it is noted that cops can pretty much do whatever they want and that is a perk of being one. today, i passed three cops with their lights flashing on the causeway, blocking a lane. one would think something was wrong, but, this trio of idiots was just standing around shooting the shit, smiling and laughing. blocking traffic, FOR WHAT? this was especially annoying to me today, seeing as how i had just passed a girl that had been hit while riding a bike. apparently catching up on stories about what an asshole you've been that day and comparing notes on how to be a dick, is more important than tending to a woman lying in the middle of alton road. (sidebar: while we're on the subject, cops should not park in actual parking spots when in a crowded area. you're a freaking cop, and can park wherever you want. think about that donut you had earlier and walk it off, or, if you must, park on the sidewalk or curb. because you're not writing yourself a ticket.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

duke lax & a-rod

Posted on Sat, May. 02, 2009 10:15 PM

Roberts’ book on A-Rod should be questioned

Not long ago, sports writer Selena Roberts compared the Duke lacrosse players to gang members and career criminals.

She claimed that the players’ unwillingness to confess to or snitch about a rape (that did not happen) was the equivalent of drug dealers and gang members promoting antisnitching campaigns.

When since-disgraced district attorney Mike Nifong whipped up a media posse to rain justice on the drunken, male college students, Roberts jumped on the fastest, most influential horse, using her New York Times column to convict the players and the culture of privilege that created them.

Proven inaccurate, Roberts never wrote a retraction for the columns that contributed to the public lynching of Reade Seligmann, Colin Finnerty and David Evans.

Instead, she moved on to Sports Illustrated, a seat on ESPN’s “The Sports Reporters” and a new target, baseball slugger Alex Rodriguez.

Last week, the New York Daily News and The New York Times acquired “leaked” copies of Roberts’ soon-to-be-released biography, “A-Rod.” In it, according to the two New York newspapers, Roberts paints a highly unflattering picture of Rodriguez as a human being and, among other things, speculates that Rodriguez used steroids in high school.

Roberts’ speculative opinions are deemed as so credible by ESPN and others that the Worldwide Leader ran all-day updates stating that Selena Roberts believes that it’s “irrefutable” that Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs while a teenager.

At no point did ESPN’s TV anchors or radio broadcasters mention that Roberts was the same person who led the media charge against the Duke lacrosse players. I listened to Roberts’ interview on Dan Patrick’s radio show. Patrick never asked her about Duke lacrosse or why we should trust her reporting.

In its news story about her book, The New York Times failed to allude to her position on the Duke lacrosse case. I’ll give the Times credit for including one sentence of clarification in its news story:

“Some of the accusations in the book are based on anonymous sources, and others are simply presented as knowledge the author has without an explanation of how the information was obtained.”

Translation: the majority of the stuff written in her book is information the National Enquirer might reject.

The national media anti-snitching campaign is twice as pervasive and effective as anything put together by the Bloods, Crips and LAPD. For the most part, we refuse to squeal on each other.
Roberts’ book is a long-winded blog. Why it’s being treated as an unimpeachable piece of journalism can only be explained by the cushy position she’s been handed by The New York Times, ESPN and Sports Illustrated and the unchallenged institutional bias found within the elite sports media institutions.

Like the Duke lacrosse players, the elite media have decided that Alex Rodriguez is fair game for abuse. Rules of fairness do not apply.

In a rush to prove its racial even-handedness, the media initially chose to swallow the accusations of a black stripper over white college students. Roberts and others made fools of themselves. They were given the leeway to do so only because lacrosse players aren’t part of the NCAA money-making machine and unlikely to be future subjects of high-profile stories.
The players were convenient, vulnerable targets.

So is Rodriguez. Like Barry Bonds, A-Rod is a threat to surpass Babe Ruth (and Hank Aaron) on the home run chart. A-Rod, a Dominican, is the dominant player in a sport that is almost solely analyzed and defined by white American sports writers and broadcasters.

It is not a coincidence that Bonds and Rodriguez have been portrayed as the worst teammates in the history of professional sports while Rogers Clemens’ and Mark McGwire’s teammate shortcomings were largely overlooked. When Clemens skipped games and road trips it was because he was a dedicated family man rather than a bad teammate.

I am not asserting a nationwide racial conspiracy against minority baseball players. I’m in no way stating that Roberts’ pursuit of Rodriguez is motivated by race. I’m asserting that the media’s unwillingness to publicly and aggressively challenge itself breeds unequal and unfair coverage.

We all have biases that must be contested. We’re all capable of getting swept up in the biases of our peers and friends.

The allegations in Roberts’ book might very well be true. But I’m not going to trust her, not without some on-the-record reporting, not after what she wrote about the Duke lacrosse players.

To reach Jason Whitlock, call 816-234-4869 or send e-mail to For previous columns, go to

Friday, April 24, 2009

FML - April 24, 2009

Yes, that's right. A whole FML blog for JUST today. FML.

Today, I drove to Miami Beach for a meeting that lasted three minutes and accomplished nothing. I left for home just in time to sit in rush hour traffic, as if I had a real job which would actually require me to sit in such traffic. FML.

Today, I attempted for the 23428748937th time to resolve my security deposit issue at my old apartment. This man, who looks bothered by the fact that he actually has to do his job when I approach the front desk, keeps telling me to talk to the property manager or her assistant, both whom which I don't believe are actual people. I'm trying to get a $900 check from two people that have business cards but do not actually exist. FML.

Today, while sitting in unnecessary traffic and being slowed by tourists in the left lane, cut off by old people that have no business driving anywhere let alone on a four-lane expressway, and cat-called at by Mexican construction workers hanging out of pick-up truck windows, I decide that I'm going to head to the mall to get one of Chelsea Handler's funny books and sit outside in the sun to eat and read and enjoy a little "me time." All went as planned, as I sat down at Johnny Rockets, ordered a chicken club with fries and began reading "My Horizontal Life." All of a sudden this big ass black crow, or something like one, pretty much almost takes off my head while in flight and perches on the table directly in front of me. I hate birds, and ended up moving inside to eat, completely defeating the purpose of my original plan to enjoy the weather and eat in peace. It was as if this bird, with it's two-inch long beak and weird chirps and mannerisms, was saying to me, "I see you eating alone. Get some friends. Get a boyfriend. Loser." FML.

Today, I was inside Johnny Rockets hiding from a stupid bird and trying to read in peace, when I hear this guy talking unnecessarily loud about a band that's he's in. Right. If you're in a band, I'm the Dalai Lama. Get a grip. FML.

Monday, February 23, 2009

a few of my favorite things

Sweatpants. Peanut butter cups. Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with skim milk and sugar. Mean Girls. A great work out. The perfect outfit. New kicks. A text from someone you’re not expecting to hear from. Dancing. Dulce de leche cheesecake from Versailles. The sun. A good night’s sleep. Visitors. Obviously, family and friends. Comfy socks. A fun night out with the girls where you’re happily drunk but not drunk enough to be hungover the next day. Music. Singing in the shower. Sex and the City re-runs. Waking up in a good mood for no particular reason. E!, Bravo, Oxygen and TLC. Cold beer and a good game.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

random things to ponder. or ask jeeves.

written 2/16/09

Driving home from my great aunt’s house tonight, I thought of some random things to ponder and wanted to throw them out there. Now, if you were in my circle of friends that pretended to study at the HUB for finals at PSU and while “studying,” had something pop into your head, you would (A) pull a Jazmin and write your question/thought on a piece of notebook paper and randomly hold it up for all to see (What is a “nolia clap?”) or (B) pull a Kylie and just say it out loud (Do fish drink water?) then proceed to ask Jeeves ….

I’ll blog about it.

Who the hell changes the event signage that is put on the high lampposts all over this city?! Specifically on MacArthur Causeway because if you fall, you’re getting hit by a Beamer going 100 miles per hour or you’re going straight into the bay. What gets someone qualified to do that job? Maybe it’s an initiation-type thing for new city employees. And how have I not seen this happen? Interesting.

Who decides on what color the Bank of America building downtown is going to shine on specific nights? For Halloween it was orange, for Valentine’s Day (gag) it was red, today for President’s Day it is obviously red, white and blue … but is there one person that writes these things down and determines this? Like, he’s typing random dates into Google to see if there’s a holiday or other occasion on days that there aren’t well-known holidays so that the building isn’t always white? Think about it.

And finally, on a more serious note, and not really a random thought, but something to vent about. I caught the final 20 minutes of The Bachelor and I have to say that I adore Jason. But. There were three girls left tonight and he sent Jill packing, his reasoning being that he’s not sure he can keep up with her … “you have an amazing life” … “we have different lives.” PLEASE. Somehow he manages to make the fact that she leads a great life without a dude, a negative thing. Give me a break.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random things about me

1) My favorite movie is Mean Girls. I will watch it whenever it’s on TV, even though I own the DVD. Boo you whore. (2) The only way I would move North would be to take a job at Penn State. Otherwise, Miami is stuck with me, although I wouldn’t rule out a return to the Dirty D and vicinity, or Washington D.C. (3) One of my biggest pet peeves are girls that dress up for sporting events. Dressing up is defined as one or more of the following: high heels, tanks and halters that you would otherwise wear to a club, dresses and skirts. (4) I am dying to play the Rachael Ray drinking game. Google it. (5) Thanks to Penn State drilling AP Style into my head, it absolutely kills me to see numbers below 10 written in text as the actual number (ex. 9).

(6) I have a girl crush on Blake Lively (i.e. Serena from Gossip Girl). That being said, I will plan my entire Monday around new episodes of GG. (7) If I could, I would wear boy shorts, oversized sweatpants and a tank, 24/7. (8) Without dance, I would die. Since I was laid off in early December I haven’t gone to a hip-hop class and I know for a fact that that is part of the reason I get so down sometimes. Dancing is like a therapy to me and I need it in my life. (9) If I could change one thing about myself overnight it would be to have a tighter and defined stomach. If I could pick one body part to never change, it would be my butt. (10) I would love to take tennis lessons and start playing again. Tennis is a great way to release anger and frustration. Also, I enjoy the short little skirts.

(11) A song that always puts me in a good mood is Streetcorner Symphony by Rob Thomas. I listen to Jessica Simpson and Carrie Underwood when I want to sing in the shower. When I’m angry I like a little Nice To Know You by Incubus. One of my fave songs to get ready to go out to is Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls. Hate Me Now (Diddy & Nas), Come With Me (Diddy) and I Can (Nas) are three songs that push me to work harder while working out. I will never get tired of Shake It Like A Pom Pom by Missy Elliott. (12) In my college days, I used to put my TV on ESPN before I went out in case I brought a dude home to ensure a sick first impression. (13) The economy sucks right now and I try not to complain about being unemployed and broke. I try to tell myself that there are always a ton of people worse off than me, and to be thankful for what I do have and for the people in my life. (14) I hate wearing pants around the house. (15) I would give my right arm for Chinese Kitchen Express or Mad Mex right now.

(16) One time when I was a toddler, I was at the mall with my grandma and father and wanted to ride one of those horses that you put a quarter in. Dad put a quarter in and it didn’t work. My response? “Jesus Christ, they oughta put a sign on it!” Ay dios mio. (17) I will learn Spanish by 2010. (18) I want to be famous so that I can have a personal trainer that forces me to work out. Also meeting other famous people would be cool, and having a ton of money would be OK, too. (19) If I had a time machine I would use it to go back to Penn State so that I could take shots of 99 Berries while playing Quarters at Beaver Hill, dance my ass off at Players with my Whiplash girls and eat Canyon Pizza with a liter of Ranch dressing. (20) I have a secret wish to be on The Bad Girls Club. Keeping Up The Kardashians and Run’s House both profile, in my mind, two of the most entertaining families on the planet. The most ridiculous reality show that I watch has to be Rock of Love Bus. I have never watched an episode of Survivor and don’t plan to. I have cried during The Bachelor. I’m over The Hills. Top Chef is great show even though I don’t know what they are talking about in regards to food and cooking most of the time.

(21) I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. (22) If I could have any celeb boyfriend it would be Taye Diggs or Channing Tatum. (23) If I could play any character in any movie it would be Kate Hudson in How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days. (24) I prefer a beer over a cocktail or glass of wine most days of the week. Beer of choice is Heineken Light, cocktail of choice is Ciroc and tonic and wine of choice is something sweet but not like “perfume water” as my mom refers to Arbor Mist. (25) It would be great if I could form a city with all my family member and friends and then conduct interviews to see who could be invited into the city. Or if I could snap my fingers and be somewhere to be with a family member or friend that needed me. Something like that.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who is this b*tch?!

Once again I have turned to reality TV for another blog entry. So sue me; you’re reading aren’t you? Hater.

So, here are my thoughts on each of these broads. Enjoy.

Amber B – A bit of a blonde, but she’s pretty normal. I could be friends with her. In last week’s episode she got drunk and had trouble finding her straw while dancing. Happens to me even sober. And all the time when intoxicated. Go on girl.

Quotable: “I’ve got a boy and you don’t, nah nah nah nah-nah nah!”

Amber M – What. A. Dumb. B*tch. The definition of a blonde. Her voice is annoying and most of the other girls want to punch her. I’d be OK with that – my money is on Whitney/Boston to get it done.

Quotable: “I like to get tossed sometimes, but mostly … I just like to get it up.”

K.C./Kayla – I wish she would have left sooner than she did. I’m still not sure which was her real name. When she was in the house the girls got kicked out of every establishment that they went to for fighting, including a restaurant. Once her dress ripped and Tiffany laughed at her (that sh*t was funny) and she responded by leaving the club and taking off ALL her clothes in the limo. Cool.

Quotable: “I’m tired of being the center of attention!”

Sarah – Sarah is the bomb. She’s actually intelligent and always seems to be the voice of reason when fights break out. Also she has some pretty good one-liners. Let’s hang out.

Quotable: “Joey will sleep with anyone with a pulse. And the pulse is optional.”

Tiffany – She’s alright, too. Except for that whole standing on the limo and yelling thing after some black girls supposedly “choked out” the Ambers in the bathroom one night. Hey, at least she had their backs.

Quotable: “Chi-town, b*tch! Believe that! Believe that!”

Whitney/Boston – A little too obsessed with being from Boston. Other than that, she’s cool. Does like to get in fights, though. And I’d probably bet on her winning nine out of 10 fights. I probably wouldn’t even argue about the Yankees with her. She’s a serious bad ass I think.

Quotable: “I’m from Boston! Nobody cries in Boston!”

Ailea – Whiner. And self-admittedly, certifiably crazy. Did I say whiner already? UGH.

Quotable: “I wanna have fun, I wanna kiss boys, and I don’t care if I hurt anyone in the process.”

Ashley – New broad that just moved in. Seems alright. Pretty full of herself, just like the rest of them. Thinks everyone is fighting over being her friend. Get a CLUE.

Quotable: “Everywhere I go everyone just stops and stares at me so I’m used to it.”

Other important players: the pink, glittery, furry house phone; Kevin, Ailea’s 40-year-old boyfriend from online; Greg, Amber M’s ridiculously immature and lame manfriend that still lives with his ex-girlfriend yet sleeps with Amber M; Sarah’s boobs; Chi-town.

And the Oscar goes to … Joey from the Real World!!! Who made a cameo this week!!! And hooked up with Ashley even though she’s “pretty sure he has a girlfriend … Hi Joey’s girlfriend! Sorry!” Quality.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

still beautiful

I have always believed
God won't give me more than I can handle
But sometimes when it's so hard
And I'm falling apart
I wonder if I can take this

Hurt I'm going through
But I know no matter what I do

They won't all be sunny days
Life's gonna bring out some rain
But I can restore it
I'll be that much stronger for the pain
So even when I'm sad
I know everyday I have is still beautiful

Still beautiful

There have been times in my life
When all of my skies were blue and were so wide open
But lately all of my dreams seem so out of reach
And everything feels so broken

But it can't last too long
So I'll just keep on holding on

They won't all be sunny days
Life's gonna bring out some rain
But I can restore it
I'll be that much stronger for the pain
So even when I'm sad
I know everyday I have is still beautiful

We're all gonna cry sometimes
We're all gonna hurt sometimes
But it takes the good and the bad
The happy sad to make you feel alive

They won't all be sunny days
Life's gonna bring out some rain
But I can restore it
I'll be that much stronger for the pain

Still Beautiful - Jessica Simpson

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello hell? It’s me, Maegan.

Tonight I have chosen to profile a few of the sports world’s most unfortunate looking folks. Granted, I have beef with each that is not appearance-related, which will become apparent in each explanation. No worries - I'm ready for my trip to hell; my handbasket is decorated and ready.

First we have Stan Van Gundy, head coach of the Orlando Magic. This man is what prompted this blog topic, as I sit here and watch the Magic/Celtics game. Oh. My. Goodness. On one side of the scorer’s table we have Doc Rivers, looking seriously classy in a suit, button-down and tie. On the other side we have an appearance disaster in Van Gundy – a suit with a nasty gray, um, t-shirt maybe? Mock turtleneck? Does it matter?! Ew. My grandfather called and he wants the mustache he used to sport during his days as a fire fighter back. Too bad they don’t make heels for dudes because you could benefit greatly from them. Also, you could consider making like Dan Marino and getting on board with Nutrisystem. And please give my boyfriend-in-my-mind J.J. Redick the PT he deserves. (Dear J.J., I heart you. Call me. Seriously. Love, Maegan)

Next we have Charlie Weiss, head football coach (maybe?) at Notre Dame. Clearly the guy has appearance issues, as he can barely freaking speak he is so … skinny. As a Penn Stater I’ve never really liked anything having to do with the Fighting Irish, but my true near-hatred for Weiss came while watching the Duke/Notre Dame football game last year. I would personally like to thank ESPN for the extreme close-up of Charlie’s gordo face, which featured a bubble of snot at the tip of his left nostril. I know it’s cold in South Bend and it makes your nose run, but can somebody get this guy a tissue? Maybe the one Brady Quinn used when he said he was going to win a national championship, then didn’t. Or maybe the one Quinn used when he said he was going to win the Heisman Trophy, then didn’t. Ha. (Dear Brady, I guess you’re sort-of cute but you’re whiny and you make stupid statements to the media about things you’re not sure you could achieve. Regards, Maegan)

And finally there is Len Elmore, college basketball commentator for ESPN. I have been saying this for years: the dude looks like Jack Skellington (sp?) from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Yes, the man resembles an animated character that is simply a sack of bones with bad teeth and a bow tie. I’ve never really had any serious beef with ole Len other than that I can’t see him on TV without wanting to sing “But I am Jack! The pumpkin king!” … But, he is a Twerp from Maryland so I guess I don’t like him for that. (Dear Len, I’m sorry to have included you amongst the ranks of Van Nasty and Fat Weiss. Sincerely, Maegan)

PS Taye Diggs is the hottest man alive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a historical day

I’m not into politics. I’m not registered to vote and I shy away from C-SPAN and all the political stuff on television, during news casts and interviews and “special interruptions.” The most I’ve paid attention to presidents in my lifetime comes down to three things: as a kindergartener reading Weekly Readers I remember the split-photos on the cover; as a high school student I remember the whole Bill Clinton ordeal; and over the past president’s tenure I remember every Hallmark card, Family Guy episode and SNL skit poking fun at George Bush for his speech-giving skills (or lack-there-of).

This 2008 election has made me care, and today has made me care even more. So much in fact that I found myself not only looking forward to the coverage on every channel of this great historical event, something I might normally be annoyed with, but going as far as planning my day around it – going for a run and to the library earlier than normal, and holding off on a shower in order to be a part of this amazing and previously unimaginable in some minds, moment in history.

I have to give a shout-out to my brother, Aaron, here, who has been harping on me constantly to care about politics. He actually called today and left a voicemail saying something along the lines of: “… I was thinking that maybe if you have some time today, you might want to turn on the TV and watch the inauguration. I know it’s not your cup of tea, but it’s a really important part of history and … you might want to turn on your TV.” Little did he know I was a few steps ahead of him.

The first thing I notice about this inauguration is how impeccable this woman senator is. Her name and state affiliation are both escaping me, but what a great speaker and “MC” of sorts for this occasion. She speaks with great pride and dignity and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony.

Aretha Franklin sings “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and I begin to tear up. This song has never meant so much to me before today. I sang it every day in elementary school, simply going through the motions because everyone else did, too. Now, it has meaning, like so much else that we discover as we grow up.

Cameras pan across the estimated 1.4 million onlookers positioned on the mall that lies between the Washington Monument and the Capitol to witness this great event first-hand. A white woman holds her small child with tears in her eyes, and next to her is a pair of young, wide-eyed Asian women, listening intently, arms linked together. Cameras from overseas in Kenya and Indonesia show children in classrooms and entire villages coming together to watch this magnificent inauguration. A feed from the African American Library in Fort Lauderdale shows an elderly African American woman, tissues in hand, a hopeful and inspired look on her face.

The invocation that is given is by far the most inspiring and powerful prayer I have ever heard. In ending with the Lord’s Prayer, I am near tears once more. The whole thing was so powerful I don’t remember much of what was said.

Another outstanding musical performance followed, and preceded the swearing in of our country’s new administration.

He is President of the United States.

Countless red, white and blue flags wave with chants of “O-bam-A!” abounding through our nation’s capitol. Happy tears fall, hopeful smiles appear and as I sit in my Miami Beach apartment, I hear celebrations and clapping and I can feel the difference in this day.

The President’s speech cannot be put into words and cannot be duplicated by any article or blog or political analyst’s thoughts. All in all, a perfect address was given by a respectful yet demanding, hopeful but realistic, and strong but compassionate man.

A poem by a friend of the President’s, Elizabeth Alexander follows the speech and next is the Benediction from Rev. Joseph E. Lowery – a man, who has said that he thought he would never see this day come.

“Yes, we can work together to achieve a more perfect union.”

The National Anthem closes the ceremony and the image of the flag fading into a live picture of our new President and First Lady, both singing proudly, sticks in my mind as one of the most memorable images in U.S. history.

It’s a small thing to some I guess to reschedule something as simple as a run, especially when you’re unemployed, but to me, it’s a new beginning for America, and for myself.

“What a moment for the man, and what a moment for the country.”

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lyrics of the moment – Friday, January 16, 2009

“Lessons Learned”
Carrie Underwood

“… but it don’t really matter, when life gets that much harder, it makes you that much stronger …”

“ … for every change life has thrown me, I’m thankful for every break in my heart, I’m grateful for every start, some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned …”

“… but it don’t make no difference, the past can’t be rewritten, you get the life you’re given …”

“ … and all the things that break you, are the things that make you strong, you can’t change the past, cuz it’s over ….

Friday, January 16, 2009

just a typical thursday afternoon for the unemployed

As I sit in my studio apartment, unemployed and in the middle of a Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathon courtesy of E!, I’ve decided to kick off my first ever blog by coming up with six reasons to watch this reality show debacle. In my defense, as I should be applying for jobs right now and being productive with my pathetic self, the Internet is down in my building therefore limiting my options with that. And so, onto things that really matter …

Top Six Reasons To Tune Into Every Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathon:

Number 6 – Khloe-isms: “Smell ya later.” “You jealous psycho bitch.” The time she found a homeless man and brought him home – then had him bathe in Kris’ bathroom. All her cracks about Kim’s ass. “Kourtney and I are strong queens.” The whole Bentley/Colorado trip debacle. “I need a drink.” “Shut the BEEP up.” Khloe, when can we hang out? Serio.

Number 5 – Kendall and Kylie. They suckered Kris into getting a dog then managed to hide it from Bruce for a while; Kendall made a profit from hiring a Mexican man to do her chores which Bruce was paying her for; and one or both of them was caught doing a great impersonation of Kim in front of the mirror, which may have occurred before or after Kylie ran around her room lifting her shirt up yelling “Woo!” over and over again.

Number 4 – Bruce and Kris’ desire to be hip. Case in point, for Bruce: the remote control helicopter obsession, and the conversations with Kris regarding his hair (“Honey what do you think - bangs or no bangs? Do you like it slicked back like this?”). And for Kris: her tryout for a dance team which resulted in a screwed up knee, and the time she went out with her friend Ellen and got Kylie and Kendall’s names tattooed on her lower back because at the time she was mad at Khloe, Kourtney and Kim.

Number 3 – “And I work out all the time, but I still have some cellulite on my ass …”

Number 2 – To wonder out loud over and over, how Steve landed Kourtney. Steve is a creeper and in no way is cute enough to have Kourtney on his arm. Specifically in the episode when the family takes a trip to Colorado and he gets on the plane looking like he’s about to appear in Grease as Kinicky – the hair is gelled and slicked back much like Bruce’s actually, and what is with the leather jacket bro?! Also, his comments regarding the Hummer rentals and humdingers, were wildly inappropriate and just really not funny at all. I guess he does have to put up with her voice and the way she draaaaaws ouutttt everyyy wooooord.

Number 1 – The chance that Brody Jenner could make a shirtless cameo at any time.